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What does Internal(B:) or Removable(A:) refer to on the Files page?
Internal(B:) refers to the logger's internal drive and Removable(A:) refers to the removable flash drive storage (typically a USB flash key).
Is FTP client software required to access the logger's filesystem?
No, it is not required as FTP is built-in as part of the web browser.
Web pages do not display correctly
Ensure that the browser being used supports XHTML 1.0, CSS 1.0 and JavaScript.
What desktop web browsers are supported?
The web interface supports Internet Explorer 5.x, Internet Explorer 6.x, Firefox 1.x, Mozilla 1.x, Opera 8.x and Safari 1.x.
Is the dataTaker logger web interface accessible on a mobile device?
Yes, it supports Pocket Internet Explorer (on Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone devices), Sony Playstation Portable Web Browser, Opera Mobile (on Pocket PC and mobile phones), Opera Mini (on mobile phones) and Palm Web Browser 2.x.
What to do when the user manual cannot be viewed?
Ensure that the user manual file is located in B:\doc on the internal flash drive. If the user manual file is missing it can be restored by repeating the firmware upgrade process. Alternatively, the user manual may be obtained from the resource CD or from the dataTaker website downloads page.
For detailed technical enquiries and support, please visit the Technical Support page at our website.
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